martedì 29 aprile 2014

Interview with Eva Langöcker by Giuseppe Chiaramonte

Giuseppe Chiaramonte 
Some guitarists start studying guitar pushed by an innate passion, some others thanks to their curiosity, others are encouraged by their parents... how did you start studying guitar?

Eva Langöcker
I started to play the guitar with the age of nine and after six years my teacher pushed me to begin studying guitar, so I decided to study guitar at the Conservatory in Vienna for about twelve years after having finished the music school.  In the last two years of my studies there, I also attended  a postgraduate course at the University of Vienna.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte  
Are you still used to publically perform also as a solo guitarist? Which is your preferred solo guitar repertoire? 

Eva Langöcker
       Sometimes I play some readings, I love to play baroque music especially Bach, and also Spanish music for example F.M. Torroba or F. Tarregá.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte  
Who is your favorite composer? 

Eva Langöcker
       As I already said my favorite composer is Johannes Sebastian Bach.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte 
Do you play also with other musicians that are not member of guitArtistas?

Eva Langöcker
        I learned to play the saxophone two years ago and since then I am part of a Big Band. Unfortunately I have not more time to take part in other ensembles, because I teach in different schools five days a week.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte 
Let’s imagine you have to play with another (others) musician (musicians) which is not a member of guitArtistas, let’s say, another ensemble with guitar(s) and other(s) instrument(s). Just imagine how guitar timbers could be combined with other instruments (no limit  of number of instruments). Other then the quartet (of course!)  which ensemble with guitar could be the best, in your opinion? 

Eva Langöcker
       This is a very difficult question because I think that the quartet is the best ensemble for guitar, because you can also play orchestra music and jazz arrangements. It is quite difficult to organize more than four guitar players in regards to rehearsals and other administrative things.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte 
Other than the guitar, what are your other interests? How do you like to spend your free time?

Eva Langöcker
As I said before I love to play the saxophone and I go jogging every day. I also like to visit friends and of course I love shopping. 

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