giovedì 2 agosto 2012

"Blu" by Arturo Tallini on dotGuitar Cd

Dear Friends .. it's with great pleasure that I announce that "Blue", the splendid cd by Arturo Tallini with musics by Nuccio d'Angelo, Petrassi, Mario Dall, Giacinto Scelsi, Petrassi, Dimitri Nicolau, Gianvincenzo Ridge and Benjamin Britten, has been finally made ​​available by the record label online DotGuitar Cd:


This ediction has a new cover made using photos taken by me (please allow me a moment of pride) during the concert of Arturo Tallini played in Mestre the 26th of March, 2010.


Sounds beyond the horizon. by Nicola Sani 

Guitar is an instrument with an archaic sound. She has a nomadic voice, a memory of cultures and traditions where making music meant to bring the sound “with themselves”. A hand-baggage with extraordinary and expressive possibilities, voice of polyphonies, companion of songs and beating percussion. More than every other instrument it synthesizes the idea of the time, days passing, it evokes the distance of nighttime atmospheres and the proximity of the metropolitan sidewalks. Guitar is a sound that lives with the whole body, embracing it becoming everything one with its resonance. Arturo Tallini seems to still live in this way his own report with this charming and complex instrument; its hand-baggage is a sort of key for reading the world of sounds, the different writings that the guitar crosses. A diagonal plan, that connects the different strategies of representation of the sounds, in a continuous search that walks the roads of the music as footsteps traced by ancient caravans. To the center of these journeys there is the necessity to go beyond the common layout, over the already beaten paths. It is not an easy choice; the XX Century has opened an infinity of windows on the sound, nomadism has become routine, the guitar had hidden itself endless times risking to lose its own sonority. Voice for excellence of the juvenile universe, has reassumed the contradictions of whole generations, becoming its landscape and echo. Tallini thinks about all this with a journery inside the XX Century’s guitar music, uniting different and distant composers in a very original project, that seems to be reassumed with the integral execution of Ko-Tha by Giacinto Scelsi (it is extremely meaningful that this integral recording of the Three Dances of Shiva goes out really in the year of the centennial of the birth of this still enigmatic composer). In Scelsi’s score the guitar is used as a resonant percussion, it becomes the base of a rhythmic search for the creation of never heard sonorities. Yet it remains extremely consistent with the characteristics of the instrument, using all its possibilities, it amplifies its meanings watching it by a different perspective angling. Tallini’s journey proposes, through his contemporary vision of the six ropes, many possibilities for rediscovering the extraordinary sonorous and expressive wealth of an instrument of which we believe to know everything. Contrarily, what connects the searchs and the works of Britten, Petrassi, Scelsi, Nicolau, Dall’Ongaro and Cresta is really the necessity to overcome the stereotypes of this instrument to make it congenial to the necessities of the present. This way the melodies of Nuccio D’Angelo assume a meaning and a different light, private of any rhetorical and nostalgic dimension. This dense and intensely lived journey, is made possible thanks to Tallini’s unique instrumental technique, out of every virtuoso gratification it succeeds to perfectly make comprehensible and communicative a sonorous universe where is not always so easy to orienting. Its search is an invitation not to stay to the appearances, to deepen the different directions and to continue beyond that open horizon that last century has pointed out us, in the music as in the different languages of the contemporary art.

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