mercoledì 30 aprile 2014

Inaugurazione GuitFest, festival internazionale della chitarra, sabato 3 maggio e domenica 4

Il concerto inaugurale di GuitFest, festival internazionale della chitarra,
sabato 3 maggio nella sala Accademica di via dei Greci
con replica domenica al Teatro Tor Bella Monaca:
in programma due famosi concerti per chitarra,
quello di Vivaldi e il "Concierto de Aranjuez" di Rodrigo.
Inoltre una suite dalla "Carmen" di Bizet 
Concerto inaugurale della terza edizione del GuitFest, il Festival Internazionale di Chitarra del Conservatorio "S.Cecilia", sabato 3 maggio alle 19.00 nella Sala Accademica del Conservatorio "Santa Cecilia" (via dei Greci 18). Ne sono protagonisti i chitarristi Domenico Ascione e Marina Barlotta e l'Orchestra Sinfonica del Conservatorio "Santa Cecilia" diretta da Giuseppe Lanzetta.
Il concerto viene ripetuto domenica 4 maggio alle 11.00 al Teatro Tor Bella Monaca (via Bruno Cirino) per le "Domeniche in musica".
Sono in programma due celeberrimi concerti per chitarra e orchestra:  il Concerto in re maggiore RV 93 di Antonio Vivaldi, in origine destinato al liuto ma da molti anni diventato uno dei  brani più noti e frequentati del repertorio chitarristico, e l'ancor più famoso e noto Concierto de Aranjuez di Joaquin Rodrigoil più popolare concerto che sia stato mai scritto per chitarra ed orchestra ed anche uno dei brani più amati dell’intero repertorio sinfonico del ‘900. Scritto nel 1939 a Parigi, in un'atmosfera tesa per le ultime vicissitudini della guerra civile spagnola e per l'imminente seconda guerra mondiale, èispirato ai giardini del Palazzo Reale di Aranjuez, residenza di primavera del re Filippo II nella seconda metà del secolo XVI.
A completare il  programma l'altrettanto nota Prima suite per orchestra dalla Carmen di Georges Bizet, con alcuni tra i più celebri temi dell'opera.
Solista in Rodrigo è Domenico Ascione, docente di chitarra presso il Conservatorio "Santa Cecilia" e direttore artistico del GuitFest insieme ad Arturo Tallini. È particolarmente attento alla musica del '900 ed è attivo anche nel campo della musica etnica e della world music. Ha una ricca discografia sia come solista che in duo e in ensemble.
In Vivaldi la solista è la giovane Marina Barlotta, allieva di Arturo Tallini presso il Conservatorio romano. Ha anche seguito i corsi di perfezionamento di Oscar Ghiglia alla prestigiosa Accademia Chigiana di Siena, ottenendo per due volte il diploma di merito. Lo scorso anno ha vinto il premio del pubblico al Campus delle Arti di Tuscania.
L'Orchestra del Conservatorio "S.Cecilia" sarà diretta da Giuseppe Lanzetta, titolare della cattedra di esercitazioni orchestrali presso il Conservatorio romano. Con l'Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina, da lui fondata, Lanzetta tiene concerti in Italia, in Europa ed in diversi paesi extraeuropei. Ha diretto inoltre orchestre prestigiose come Berliner Symphoniker, Sinfonica di Mosca, Toronto Symphony, Orchestra da Camera di Israele e moltissime altre.
 Il GuitFest proseguirà fino al 31 maggio con concerti, masterclasses, seminari, conferenze e il concorso di composizione per chitarra "Goffredo Petrassi".

Guitars Speak terzo anno : i Soni Sfardati di Saqiya

Questa sera alle 21 su Radio Voce della Speranza

Sāqiya ha l'orecchio teso alla storia. Suoni belli e marini. Suoni che arrivano dalle chitarre, dalla voce e dalle percussioni, disco jazz, crossover puro, musiche arabe, cortocircuito culturale siciliano intelligente e profondo. Una conferma delle capacità dei musicisti jazz italiani

This night at 9 PM on Radio Voce della Speranza

Sāqiya has one ear connected to the story. Beautiful and marine sounds. Sounds that arrive from the guitars, voice and percussion, jazz record, pure crossover, Arabic music,  intelligent and deep cultural Sicilian short circuit. A confirmation of the ability of Italian jazz musicians

FORLÌ: 104,5 Mhz

(Forlì, Cesena e Ravenna)

Via Curiel 53 - 47100 Forlì
Telefono & Fax 0543 414312

martedì 29 aprile 2014

Interview with Eva Langöcker by Giuseppe Chiaramonte

Giuseppe Chiaramonte 
Some guitarists start studying guitar pushed by an innate passion, some others thanks to their curiosity, others are encouraged by their parents... how did you start studying guitar?

Eva Langöcker
I started to play the guitar with the age of nine and after six years my teacher pushed me to begin studying guitar, so I decided to study guitar at the Conservatory in Vienna for about twelve years after having finished the music school.  In the last two years of my studies there, I also attended  a postgraduate course at the University of Vienna.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte  
Are you still used to publically perform also as a solo guitarist? Which is your preferred solo guitar repertoire? 

Eva Langöcker
       Sometimes I play some readings, I love to play baroque music especially Bach, and also Spanish music for example F.M. Torroba or F. Tarregá.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte  
Who is your favorite composer? 

Eva Langöcker
       As I already said my favorite composer is Johannes Sebastian Bach.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte 
Do you play also with other musicians that are not member of guitArtistas?

Eva Langöcker
        I learned to play the saxophone two years ago and since then I am part of a Big Band. Unfortunately I have not more time to take part in other ensembles, because I teach in different schools five days a week.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte 
Let’s imagine you have to play with another (others) musician (musicians) which is not a member of guitArtistas, let’s say, another ensemble with guitar(s) and other(s) instrument(s). Just imagine how guitar timbers could be combined with other instruments (no limit  of number of instruments). Other then the quartet (of course!)  which ensemble with guitar could be the best, in your opinion? 

Eva Langöcker
       This is a very difficult question because I think that the quartet is the best ensemble for guitar, because you can also play orchestra music and jazz arrangements. It is quite difficult to organize more than four guitar players in regards to rehearsals and other administrative things.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte 
Other than the guitar, what are your other interests? How do you like to spend your free time?

Eva Langöcker
As I said before I love to play the saxophone and I go jogging every day. I also like to visit friends and of course I love shopping. 

lunedì 28 aprile 2014

Interview with Andrea Wild by Giuseppe Chiaramonte

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
Some guitarists start studying guitar pushed by an innate passion, some others thanks to their curiosity, others are encouraged by their parents... how did you start studying guitar?

Andrea Wild
My parents used to listen to a classical radio station every sunday at lunch and there was had kind of a ‘ranking’ during that time. Joaquin Rodrigo’s ‘Concerto Andaluz’ was in the first place for a few weeks and I really fell in love with that piece - so I decided to study guitar. A lot of other people told me that I was too young – but they were wrong…

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
Are you still used to publically perform also as a solo guitarist? Which is your preferred solo guitar repertoire?

Andrea Wild
Of course I also perform as a solo guitarist – but to be honest: I prefer to play with the girls. At the moment, my favourite pieces are ‘Invocacíon y danza’ by Joaquin Rodrigo, Sor’s ‘Grand Solo op. 14’ and ‘Koyunbaba op. 19’ by Carlo Domeniconi. In general I love to play Spanish Music of every epoche and classical pieces.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
Who is your favorite composer?

Andrea Wild
This is a VERY difficult question!! My first thoughts are Joaquin Rodrigo and Niccoló Paganini, but there are so much more composers, like e.g. Astor Piazzolla and Joaquin Turina – so I fear I cannot make a decision!

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
Do you play also with other musician that are not member of guitArtistas?

Andrea Wild
I am also part of a tango-group called ‘Cosmopolytango’, which is composed of violin, double bass, vibraphone and guitar.
In addition to that I am the front singer of a jazzband and sometimes I also use to play in a string-quartet (I also studied violoncello when I was a child).

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
Let’s imagine you have to play with another (others) musician (musicians) which is not a member of guitArtistas, let’s say, another ensemble with guitar(s) and other(s) instrument(s). Just imagine how guitar timbers could be combined with other instruments (no limit of number of instruments). Other then the quartet (of course!) which ensemble with guitar could be the best, in your opinion?

Andrea Wild
If I could choose an ensemble to play with (another one than guitartistas) I would like to play in the ‘Janoska Ensemble’, ‘Mnozil Brass’ or with Erwin Schrott and his ‘Rojotango group’.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
You already arranged some compositions for the quartet. Are you working on new transcriptions?

Andrea Wild
Yes, I already work on two new transcriptions – but that’s a secret so far ;-)

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
You did CD recordings in the past. Please, give us more details.

Andrea Wild
When I was a teenager, I won an Austrian competition playing i.a. a completely new piece by Kurt Schwertsik. Afterwards I was invited to record this beautiful piece for a CD (contemporary music) in the ORF (Austrian TV). You can imagine - this was a quite big thing for me!

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
Other than the guitar, what are your other interests? How do you like to spend your free time?

Andrea Wild

In my free time I like to do horse-riding and to spend time with my family and friends, like all girls I also love to go for shopping and dancing in the night. In addition to that I am a fan of Udinese Calcio and the Green Bay Packers (American football).

domenica 27 aprile 2014

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Dance of the Flowers from Nutcracker Suite op.71 (guitArtistas)

Guitars Speak terzo anno : i Soni Sfardati di Saqiya

Mercoledì sera alle 21 su Radio Voce della Speranza

Sāqiya ha l'orecchio teso alla storia. Suoni belli e marini. Suoni che arrivano dalle chitarre, dalla voce e dalle percussioni, disco jazz, crossover puro, musiche arabe, cortocircuito culturale siciliano intelligente e profondo. Una conferma delle capacità dei musicisti jazz italiani

Wednesday night at 9 PM on Radio Voce della Speranza

Sāqiya has one ear connected to the story. Beautiful and marine sounds. Sounds that arrive from the guitars, voice and percussion, jazz record, pure crossover, Arabic music,  intelligent and deep cultural Sicilian short circuit. A confirmation of the ability of Italian jazz musicians

FORLÌ: 104,5 Mhz

(Forlì, Cesena e Ravenna)

Via Curiel 53 - 47100 Forlì
Telefono & Fax 0543 414312

venerdì 25 aprile 2014

Interview with Marie Cendelínová by Giuseppe Chiaramonte

Giuseppe Chiaramonte 
Some guitarists start studying guitar pushed by an innate passion, some others thanks to their curiosity, others are encouraged by their parents... how did you start studying guitar?

Marie Cendelínová
When I was a child I started to play Violoncello and Bass guitar, only at the age of 11 my first teacher Jiří Freml, asked me if I wanted to try also concert guitar. I immediately fell in love with this instrument and after 3 years of studying I asked my teacher to prepare me for the entrance examination of our conservatory. He asked me if I was totally crazy – but in the end I think it was the right decision ;-)

Giuseppe Chiaramonte 
Are you still used to publically perform also as a solo guitarist? Which is your preferred solo guitar repertoire? 

Marie Cendelínová
If there is a possibility to perform as a solo artist I never reject. My repertoire is quite mixed, differrent styles and epoches, mostly music from the 20th century with impressionistic and neo-classical elements and also spanish influences... But in general I prefer to play with the quartet, chambermusic is just so beautiful and the communication with the other girls on stage is so much fun! In this way I can totally enjoy the music...

Giuseppe Chiaramonte 
Who is your favorite composer? 

Marie Cendelínová
Hmmm... that’s very difficult, I have so many favourite composers! I fear I cannot answer to this question, but like I said before I love the composers of the 20th century and music with spanish elements.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
Do you play also with other musicians that are not member of guitArtistas?

Marie Cendelínová
No, at the moment I only play with my guitartistas-girls! :-)

Giuseppe Chiaramonte 
Let’s imagine you have to play with another (others) musician (musicians) which is not a member of guitArtistas, let’s say, another ensemble with guitar(s) and other(s) instrument(s). Just imagine how guitar timbers could be combined with other instruments (no limit  of number of instruments). Other then the quartet (of course!)  which ensemble with guitar could be the best, in your opinion? 

Marie Cendelínová
To my mind the guitar fits to nearly every other instrument, also a lot of different genres – classic, pop... Every group with a special instrumentation, has it’s own qualities, so it is impossible to say, which is the best.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte As a guitArtistas member, you play a concert guitar and an octave guitar, is it difficult to switch from one instrument to another one during a concert? 

Marie Cendelínová
In general it is not that easy at all, because the octave guitar is quite different to a concert guitar. First of all because of it’s small size, everything is so much more tight. In addition to that, the fingers need to have much more pressure on the strings – in the left as well as in the right hand (nails disappear rapidly!), because the sound isn’t as strong as a concert guitar’s sound. But by the time it get’s better and better!

Giuseppe Chiaramonte 
Other than the guitar, what are your other interests? How do you like to spend your free time?

Marie Cendelínová
I like to watch movies and good food in general, I also cook very often (especially every kind of sweets) and love to stay in bed doing nothing, just relax! :-D

giovedì 24 aprile 2014

GuitArtistas, CD – Recensione

Per la varietà del repertorio e la vivacità delle esecuzioni, il CD d'esordio del quartetto di chitarre GuitArtistas è destinato ad un pubblico vastissimo e questo, se da un lato si può considerare la scelta migliore per un debutto discografico ha anche il grande merito di liberare dagli spesso ristretti circoli chitarristici la bellezza delle sei corde per portarla all'attenzione del grande pubblico, musicisti e non.
Gli arrangiamenti da celebri musiche Bizet, Haydn, Tchaikovsky, Boccherini, Corea e Brahms, sono sostenuti da una lucida musicalità e una tecnica pulitissima.
Quattro chitarriste, quattro giovani ragazze in perfetta sintonia e dal piglio deciso, un quartetto di chitarre con le sonorità di un'intera orchestra. Infatti, grazie all'utilizzo della chitarra basso e della chitarra ottavata, in aggiunta a due chitarre classiche da concerto, il registro è ampio e spazia dalle frequenze del contrabbasso a quelle dell'arpa. Un'insolita strumentazione che dà sicuramente una marcia in più al quartetto di chitarre. L'effetto è davvero di una musica tridimensionale!
La qualità della registrazione è cinque stelle! E dire che tutto il CD è stato registrato in soli sette giorni, a conferma della bravura di questa formazione che ha già vinto numerosi premi in concorsi internazionali, anche in Italia.
Dalla ritmica Aragonaise di Bizet d'apertura (con tanto di suono di nacchere e percussioni ottenuto direttamente sulle chitarre) al Bonus Track (la Ninna nanna di Brahms trascritta da Andrea Wild, componente del quartetto) passando per punte di virtuosismo chitarristico come nell'Introduzione e Fandango di Boccherini (trascritta da Jeremy Sparks) non c'è mai un calo di attenzione. L'aspetto timbrico è curato minuziosamente da ogni componente del quartetto e fa sì che ogni strumento assuma un carattere non casuale all'interno della formazione, ad ulteriore conferma che la dimensione orchestrale che vogliono assumere le GuitArtistas non è mai sottovalutata o lasciata in secondo piano.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte

mercoledì 23 aprile 2014


Auditorium Luca Marenzio
via Razziche 5 - Darfo Boario Terme (Brescia)
lunedì 28 Aprile ore 20,45
Piera Dadomo
Musiche: Bach, Ponce, Llobet, Asencio.
lunedì 5 Maggio ore 20,45
Leonardo Bonetti
Musiche: Bach, Scarlatti, Bonetti, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Falla, Rodrigo
lunedì 12 Maggio ore 20,45
Duo Chitarristico Bonfanti
(Marco e Stefano Bonfanti)
Musiche: Sor, Carulli, Mertz, Vivaldi, Petit, Brouwer

Download Podcast : la chitarra jazz di Amanda Monaco

Download Podcast

Brillante chitarrista americana ormai stabile a New York, Amanda Monaco non solo ha un curriculum di tutto rispetto come musicista e come didatta, ma ha anche uno dei suoni più belli che mi sia capitato di ascoltare da diverso tempo. E' la nuova erede di Jim Hall?

Brilliant American guitarist now resident in New York, Amanda Monaco not only has a great curriculum as a Brilliant American guitarist now stable in New York, Amanda Monaco not only has a track record as a musician and teacher, but also has one of the most beautiful sounds I've heard from a long time. And ... is she the new Jim Hall's heir ? 

FORLÌ: 104,5 Mhz

(Forlì, Cesena e Ravenna)

Via Curiel 53 - 47100 Forlì
Telefono & Fax 0543 414312

martedì 22 aprile 2014

Interview with GuitArtistas guitar Quartet by Giuseppe Chiaramonte

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
The beginning of guitArtistas. You are from Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Where did you meet and where did you start to play together? Who is, among you, let’s say, the “founder” of the quartet? Who said the first time “let’s play together!”?

GuitArtistas guitar Quartet
Three of us got to know each other at the ‘University of music and performing arts’ in Vienna – all being students of Alexander Swete. For the fourth member Natalka we searched for deliberately and finally found her through Marie’s friends in Brno (CZ). So there is no special ‘founder’ of the quartet, it just happened.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
Where is the quartet based?

GuitArtistas guitar Quartet
In general we use to rehearse in Vienna (AUT).

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
You won several competitions in Italy, tell us something about.

GuitArtistas guitar Quartet
Because of the fact, that we all work a lot we need to find good competition in places, that are not too far away. In addition to that we all love to go to Italy and so we can combine work an holidays.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
Have you already performed in Italy? Where did you exactly play an when?

GuitArtistas guitar Quartet
We performed in Gorizia and Pescara in 2012 and in Pescara again in 2013, doing a beautiful ‘concerto sotto le stelle’ openair at the harbor. Now we are very looking forward to return to Domodossola for our 1st-prize-winner-concert at the festival in July.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
Where did you perform your best concert?

GuitArtistas guitar Quartet
The ‘best’ concert is impossible to say – we love to play in a good mood, without any stress, where you can feel the audience’s positive vibration. Sometimes we even got standing ovations, that’s always a special moment.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
If you had to choose, who is your favorite composer to play?

GuitArtistas guitar Quartet
We like every good piece by any composer

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
Which will be the next sheet music on the stand?

GuitArtistas guitar Quartet
Actually we work on specific variations of Pachelbel’s canon, the next piece will be an extract of dances of the ‘Peer Gynt Suite’ by Edvard Grieg. In addition to that we already have a cooperation with an Austrian composer named Jovan Pesec, who dedicated a new piece to us.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
GuitArtistas plays with an unusual instrumentation, octave and bass guitar give a very wide register and allow you to easily perform transcriptions of orchestral pieces. You do think this is your key to success? Who are the guitar makers of your instruments?

GuitArtistas guitar Quartet
The unusual instrumentation makes us kind of unique and it is also a very important part of our special sound. Eva’s concert guitar is made by Mathias Dammer (GER), Marouska’s and Natalka’s are from the Czech luthier Petr Matoušek; the octave guitar is also Czech, made by John Jaroslav. The bass guitar is a special making from Spain.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
Tell us the names of three composers you would love to have a piece written by and expressly dedicated to guitArtistas.

GuitArtistas guitar Quartet
I am so sorry, but in this question it was impossible to find an answer! Each girl has her own taste and preferences, so we always just try to find (or arrange) good pieces, that we all like – the composer is not that important in this decision.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
Your debut CD has been already released? Is it already available on the market? In a few day we will publish the first Italian review of it! In the meanwhile, tell us something about this project, the repertoire, and so on.

GuitArtistas guitar Quartet
To be honest, we were very lucky! At one of concerts in Vienna we got an offer from a great Austrian studio to record with them. This studio is very special, because it is built to have the same sound as the Sidney Opera House so you can imagine – this was a quite amazing experience for us! Because of the great team we had around us, it was possible to record the whole CD within only 7 days. Finding a good cover-photo was much more difficult… At the moment the CD is available in Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hongkong.

Giuseppe Chiaramonte
Could you say something about your next projects? Where are you going to play next?

GuitArtistas guitar Quartet
We will do some concerts in Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and also in Italy (Domodossola, July 15th), in addition to that we think about joining competitions in whole Europe, but don’t know about the details yet.

lunedì 21 aprile 2014

Guitars Speak terzo anno : la chitarra jazz di Amanda Monaco

Mercoledì sera alle 21 su Radio Voce della Speranza

Brillante chitarrista americana ormai stabile a New York, Amanda Monaco non solo ha un curriculum di tutto rispetto come musicista e come didatta, ma ha anche uno dei suoni più belli che mi sia capitato di ascoltare da diverso tempo. E' la nuova erede di Jim Hall?

Wednesday evening at 9 PM on Radio Voce della Speranza

Brilliant American guitarist now resident in New York, Amanda Monaco not only has a great curriculum as a Brilliant American guitarist now stable in New York, Amanda Monaco not only has a track record as a musician and teacher, but also has one of the most beautiful sounds I've heard from a long time. And ... is she the new Jim Hall's heir ? 

FORLÌ: 104,5 Mhz

(Forlì, Cesena e Ravenna)

Via Curiel 53 - 47100 Forlì
Telefono & Fax 0543 414312

venerdì 18 aprile 2014

TicinoMusica Corsi di perfezionamento Chitarra: Lorenzo Micheli

Corsi di perfezionamento
Lugano, Svizzera, 20 luglio-21 agosto 2014
Chitarra: Lorenzo Micheli

Lezioni individuali – Musica da camera – Workshop - Concerti
Tutte le masterclass si svolgono in contemporanea nello stesso luogo.
Tassa d’iscrizione CHF 250 (Euro 200 circa)
Quota di partecipazione CHF 600 (Euro 480 circa)
Sconto del 15% sulla quota di partecipazione per iscrizioni entro il
Alloggi: diverse possibilità fino a CHF 800 (Euro 640) circa con pensione
completa per due settimane.
Informazioni e iscizioni:

giovedì 17 aprile 2014

Giuseppe Chiaramonte in concerto a Berlino

Il prossimo 3 maggio il chitarrista italiano Giuseppe Chiaramonte ( terrà un interessante concerto al Salone d'Arte "Maja & Friends" di Berlino.  

Giuseppe Chiaramonte è allo stesso tempo il primo chitarrista e il primo italiano ad esibirsi presso questo prestigioso luogo di cultura della capitale tedesca che ha già all'attivo tre anni di attività di successo e quasi quaranta concerti realizzati. 

Il programma della serata prevede l'esecuzione di un programma per chitarra sola (musiche di J.K.Mertz, N.Koshkin e I.Albeniz) e delle Sette Canzoni Popolari Spagnole di Manuel de Falla in duo con il soprano Maja Fluri. 

In occasione della serata verranno presentati sette quadri del pittore tedesco Matthias Wunsch, ispirati alle Sette Canzoni del compositore di Cadice. 

Biglietti: Euro 15,00 (acquistabili al seguente link:

Luogo del Concerto: Kunstsalon Maja & Friends / Gottfried-von-Cramm-Weg 47-55, 14193 Berlino, Germania

Giorno e ora: 3 maggio 2014 h. 19.00 (inizio concerto h. 19.30)

mercoledì 16 aprile 2014

Download Podcast : le Sonate del Maestro Umberto Cafagna

Download Podcast

Il repertorio dedicato a Segovia, custodito dalla Fondazione che ne cura gli interessi e ne promuove le musiche, si rivela una vera miniera in cui esplorare, un tesoro di musiche ancora inesplorate a cui attingere. Questa sera ascolteremo il cd del Maestro Umberto Cafagna dedicato a 4 Sonate composte apposta per il grande chitarrista classico spagnolo e davvero poco conosciute dal pubblico

The repertoire dedicated to Segovia, guarded by the Foundation that takes care of the interests and promotes his music, is a real mine in which to explore, a treasure of unexplored music to draw from. Tonight we will hear the CD recorded by Maestro Umberto Cafagna dedicated to 4 sonatas composed especially for the great classical Spanish guitarist and little known to the public.

FORLÌ: 104,5 Mhz

(Forlì, Cesena e Ravenna)

Via Curiel 53 - 47100 Forlì
Telefono & Fax 0543 414312

domenica 13 aprile 2014

Franco Mezzena & Umberto Cafagna play Giuliani - Serenata

Guitars Speak terzo anno : le Sonate del Maestro Umberto Cafagna

Mercoledì sera alle 21 su Radio Voce della Speranza

Il repertorio dedicato a Segovia, custodito dalla Fondazione che ne cura gli interessi e ne promuove le musiche, si rivela una vera miniera in cui esplorare, un tesoro di musiche ancora inesplorate a cui attingere. Mercoledì sera ascolteremo il cd del Maestro Umberto Cafagna dedicato a 4 Sonate composte apposta per il grande chitarrista classico spagnolo e davvero poco conosciute dal pubblico

Wednesday night at 9 PM on Radio Voce della Speranza

The repertoire dedicated to Segovia, guarded by the Foundation that takes care of the interests and promotes his music, is a real mine in which to explore, a treasure of unexplored music to draw from. Wednesday we will hear the CD recorded by Maestro Umberto Cafagna dedicated to 4 sonatas composed especially for the great classical Spanish guitarist and little known to the public.

FORLÌ: 104,5 Mhz

(Forlì, Cesena e Ravenna)

Via Curiel 53 - 47100 Forlì
Telefono & Fax 0543 414312